崑崙泓師天廚妙供 Wonderful Sky Chefs

崑崙泓師天廚妙供 Wonderful Sky Chefs

崑崙泓師天廚妙供 Wonderful Sky Chefs

淨壇神咒  Net Altar mantra
太上說法時。When Laozi preachs Taoism
金鐘響玉音。 Gold bell rings pleasing sounds
Hundreds of organisms possess everywhere

All Demons protect tall and erect forests

天花散法雨。The sky sprinkles the law rains

法鼓振迷沈。  Drum beat and Cheer obsessed.

諸天賡善哉。 The heavens Praise Taoism .

Golden Boys dance and play stringed instruments.

願傾八霞光 Willing to pour eight rays.

照依皈依心。 According to convert the heart.

蚤法大法稿。 Flea law makes big draft

翼侍五雲深。 Flying to five color Cloud.

急急如律令   Rush As Imperative order

願消三障諸煩惱 願得智慧真明了
May eliminate the various trouble. May get the clear wisdom.
普願罪障悉消除 世世常行菩薩道
May eliminate all the crime. Be a mercy pu sa from generation to generation.

南 無香雲蓋菩薩摩訶薩 南無香雲蓋菩薩摩訶薩

南無靈山會上佛菩薩(三稱) 南無常住十方佛 南無常住十方法
南無常住十方僧 南無本師 釋迦牟尼佛
南無消災延壽藥師佛 南無極樂世界阿彌陀佛 南無當來下生彌勒尊佛
南無十方三世一切諸佛 南無大智文殊師利菩薩 南無大行普賢菩薩

南無大悲觀世音菩薩 南無大勢至菩薩 南無清淨大海眾菩薩
南無護法韋馱尊天菩薩 南無大願地藏王菩薩 南無護法諸天菩薩
南無伽藍聖眾菩薩 南無歷代祖師菩薩 南無大聖緊那羅王菩薩

南無常住十方佛 南無常住十方法
南無常住十方僧 南無本師 釋迦牟尼佛
南無消災延壽藥師佛 南無極樂世界阿彌陀佛 南無當來下生彌勒尊佛
南無十方三世一切諸佛 南無大智文殊師利菩薩 南無大行普賢菩薩

南無大悲觀世音菩薩 南無大勢至菩薩 南無清淨大海眾菩薩
南無護法韋馱尊天菩薩 南無大願地藏王菩薩 南無護法諸天菩薩
南無伽藍聖眾菩薩 南無歷代祖師菩薩 南無大聖緊那羅王菩薩

南無常住十方佛 南無常住十方法
南無常住十方僧 南無本師 釋迦牟尼佛
南無消災延壽藥師佛 南無極樂世界阿彌陀佛 南無當來下生彌勒尊佛
南無十方三世一切諸佛 南無大智文殊師利菩薩 南無大行普賢菩薩

南無大悲觀世音菩薩 南無大勢至菩薩 南無清淨大海眾菩薩
南無護法韋馱尊天菩薩 南無大願地藏王菩薩 南無護法諸天菩薩
南無伽藍聖眾菩薩 南無歷代祖師菩薩 南無大聖緊那羅王菩薩

曩謨薩.怛他.多.嚧枳帝唵三跋囉三跋囉 吽
曩謨蘇嚕婆耶怛他.多耶怛姪他唵蘇嚕蘇 嚕.
囉蘇嚕.囉蘇嚕娑婆訶 (三遍)
此食 色香味上供十方佛中奉諸聖賢下及六道品

唵..曩三婆.伐日囉斛 (三遍)




台灣崑崙山瑤池宮靈修聖地spirit shrine
Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn
at  Kunlun Yozu Palace  in Taiwan.
崑崙泓師通靈請教WeChat 微信 Line ID: kunlunhozn
Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town
Zhonlun village 40-8.

Cell phone 泓師父 手機 0937618850
Cell phone 886-937618850
E-mail akingate@hotmail.com
The End 感謝您
請ATM轉帳 銀行代碼:700【郵局】
帳號:0051008-1745371 或
郵政劃撥 30369259 陳泓仁
Beneficiary Bank : Citibank Taiwan LTD Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.., Swift Code: CITITWTX
ADD:No.35,Chuiyang Rd,East Dist.,
Chiayi City 600,Taiwan R.O.C
Beneficiary Name : Chen Horng Ren
Beneficiary Account No :9150707373
Beneficiary Telephone No : 886937618850

About 崑崙泓師 Psychic Master Kunlun Hozn

崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation 冥想 Meditation 清靜 Quiet 禪意 Zen 無為 Inaction 靈修 Spirituality 氣功靈動 spirit Qigong 崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教.美術鑑賞 Doomsday Savior Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation,Art Appreciation 台灣崑崙泓師 手機 0937618850 Cell phone+886-937618850 崑崙泓師 LINE_logo ID: kunlunhozn E-mail akingate@hotmail.com facebook臉書帳號: 崑崙泓師 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master 崑崙山瑤池宮住持 崑崙泓師住址: 60691嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40之8號 Address: No.40-8, Zhonglun, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County 606, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 60691 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Abbot of Kunlun Yozu Palace 網站: https://akingate.wordpress.com/ 南二高下中埔交流道往中埔.西拉雅.大埔方向.台3線公路300.6公里右轉上山 Master Kunlun Hozn’s Confessions of Heart Sutra 崑崙泓師 心經的靈語 I am the Apostle from “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva”, but I always suffered difficulty and catastrophe. 我是觀音母娘的使徒,但艱苦困難總是隨身 “Prajna-paramita” is my deeply practicing feeling when I was in Mountains meditation practice. 般若波羅蜜多就是我深山修行的深切感受, I get to know human world with my deeply practicing feelings through watching, Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness. 我感受到這世界從看見,感受,思想,行動,以至認知. All the feelings in the human world are nothing, temporary and invisible. 以上這些感受在這世界上都是空的,暫時的,不被看見的 All the feelings can be switched to the Spirit Energy of “Sariputra”. 但看見,感受,思想,行動,認知,卻轉化成舍利子的靈能量. The “Sariputra” is original energy of vacant spirit, neither appearing nor disappearing, neither impure nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. 這舍利子的靈能量是諸法門的空靈能量源頭,不生不滅。不垢不淨。不增不減。 In my life, I always got facing problem. 我的一生艱困. The secular is temporary and empty. Do not take it serious as a real from Into, live, bad to empty. 但世事如雲煙,轉眼成空.不必在意成住壞空的假象 I am peaceful in brainstorming and the understanding of Heart Spirit Rules. 而我清靜思考,透徹心靈 My soul do not be hoodwinked by the External Feeling such as form of eyes, voice of ears, smell of nose, taste of mouth, touch of body and rules of thinking. 不被眼睛的情色,耳朵的聲音,鼻子的嗅香,口舌的甘味,身體的觸感,意念的法則,等外在的感覺蒙蔽內心靈魂. I wrote the Mu Niang Bible for my all life from the visible world to the invisible world. 我一生啟靈著作母娘聖經,從眼中所看的世界到看不見的無形世界. I have gone beyond the fixed pattern of written Expression. 我超越了文字表達的固定模式. From the thinking mind of active consciousness to Inaction spirit of unconscious. 從主動意識想像的心靈到無為無意識的靈神狀態. Although all people cannot understand my thinking, but I point out the empty spirit, God, Buddha, the hierarchical relationship. 雖然眾人難以理解我的思緒,但我點出空,靈,神,佛的層次關係 So, on empty; whether you understand or do not understand. 所以,對空的道理;不管您了解或是不了解. After all; Tao is operating constantly. 終究;道的運行始終不變 Human has illness and death, but the soul has not old and death. 人類有生老病死,但靈魂卻無老死. The Practice of suffering, accumulation, cessation, and Tao is neither for growing wisdom nor for getting what you want. 苦,寂,滅,道的修行,不是在成就智慧,也不是想要有所得到. That is to become the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to save the people. 而是成為救苦救難的觀自在菩薩. I trekked and was in Mountains meditation practice for 17 years. 我十七年來的長途跋涉,深山修行 To rely on prajna-paramita I understand my destiny. 從體認般若波羅蜜多大智慧進而了解自己天命. I go peacefully with the fate, no worries, no trouble, no terror. 我一切隨緣清靜, 心無牽掛,阻礙,恐怖。 From confused to realized, I escaped from distorted dream. 從迷到悟,我遠離了一切顛倒夢想。 Uphold the firm belief. All Buddha of the past, present and future bless me. 秉持堅定信念,三世諸佛菩薩保佑 To rely on prajna-paramita leads to the opposite…Nirvana 依般若波羅蜜多大智慧便能到彼岸,登涅槃, Attain the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi which is the upper energy of vacant spirit. 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提的上乘空靈能量. Therefore, know that prajna-paramita is the great transcendent mantra, the great bright mantra, the supreme mantra, the unequalled balanced mantra 所以般若波羅蜜多心經是是大神咒。是大明咒。是無上咒。是無等等咒。 能掃除一切苦厄。真實不虛假。 That can eliminate all suffering, and is real, not false. “揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶” “gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, svaha!”
本篇發表於 末劫救世 泓仁導師 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn。將永久鏈結加入書籤。
