民國106丁酉年(2017)年崑崙山母娘點燈..光明燈.Bright Lights..太歲燈.Tai Sui lights..虎財燈.Tiger fiscal lights. 狀元拜相燈.Champion lights ..

 民國106丁酉年(2017)年崑崙山母娘點燈..光明燈.Bright Lights..太歲燈.Tai Sui lights..虎財燈.Tiger fiscal lights. 狀元拜相燈.Champion lights ..

民國106丁酉年(2017)年母娘光明燈Optical light 每盞新台幣$300元(Nt$300)

這是崑崙山瑤池宮的點燈圓柱…This is the lighting columns of the Kunlun Yozu Palace …

每年約有上千名信徒在此點燈…Each year about thousands of believers  light Mu Niang lamps in Kunlun…

崑崙山瑤池宮母娘神威顯赫.. Mu Niang perform  prominent divinity in Kunlun Yozu Palace..

母娘點燈照亮寰宇..Mu Niang’s lamps illuminate Universe ..

這是一份長遠的祝福與母娘的守護..This is a long-term blessing and  the guardian of  Mu Niang ..

讓你成長讓妳進步..Allows you to make you grow and progress ..

壹: 母娘光明燈 Mother Bright light…母燈護身好運連連.Mu Niang Lamps ..Good Luck!!!




母娘點燈十二願   Mu Niang lighting  Twelve willing

壹願:  事業興旺.仕途高昇   1st wish: Bussiness prosperity. Career soaring

貳願:身體健康.長命百歲    2nd wish: Good health long life

參願:招財進寶.金玉滿堂     3rd wish: Good Fortune. Feast

肆願:四季無災.八節有慶     4th wish:  Four seasons without disaster. Eight solar terms have celebration.

伍願:學業進步.青春快樂      5th wish:  Academic progress. Youthful happiness

陸願:家庭和樂.兒孫滿堂  6th wish: harmonious family. Full of Children

柒願:人間有情.真愛相隨    7th wish: Heart of Gold. Love is everywhere.

捌願:法喜充滿.心神安寧     8th wish: Full Happiness, Ataraxia

玖願:家宅平安.富貴豐饒    9th wish: the family home safely. Rich rich

拾願:美夢成真.所求如願   10th wish: The dream comes true. The request to do so

拾壹願:闔家團圓.喜事臨門   11th wish: Family-reunion. Wedding Blessings

拾貳願:諸事如意.好運連年  12th wish:everything go wishful. Good luck year after year

(每名新台幣三佰元 Each Nt$300)

民國106丁酉年(2017)年母娘光明燈Optical light 每盞新台幣$300元(Nt$300)

..請以ATM轉帳   銀行代碼:700【郵局】帳號:0051008-1745371   或.. 請利用郵政劃撥30369259 陳泓仁  並註明你的姓名..住址..牲肖..及要點燈的種類

indicate your name address .. .. ..  the type of lighting..
Beneficiary Bank : Citibank Taiwan LTD Taipei,  Taiwan, R.O.C..,
Swift Code: CITITWTX.
ADD:No.320,Chuiyang Rd,East Dist.,  Chiayi City 600,Taiwan R.O.C.
Beneficiary Name : Chen Horng Ren
Beneficiary Account No :9150707373
Beneficiary Telephone No : 886937618850
母娘慈悲賜福 …咨詢05-2534791  e-mail: akingate@hotmail.com
Mu Niang mercy bless …consulting 05-2534791 e-mail: akingate@hotmail.com
崑崙山每逢農曆初一十五皆為點燈信徒..誦經祈福  Kunlun Mountains, the first and fifteenth every lunar  are chanting prayers for all lighting believers ..

:民國103甲午年(2014)年 太歲燈.. Jupiter light..

崑崙山瑤池宮民國103甲午年(2014)年 太歲燈每名新台幣伍佰元(NT$500)

民國106丁酉年(2017)年太歲唐杰星君 太歲燈點燈祈福

Year (2014) in  Jupiter Light  Lighting blessing

民國106丁酉年(2017)年太歲 犯正沖者..  Year  who was guilty of being red ..

屬雞/屬兔    The Chicken / Rabbit

民國106丁酉年(2017)犯偏沖者…  Year who was guilty of partial red …

屬鼠/屬馬   The Mouse / House

民國106丁酉年(2017)年太歲..每盞新台幣伍佰元 Point  Year  in Jupiter Light . Five hundred NT$ per lamp

民國106丁酉年(2017)年太歲太歲符  charm in Jupiter

太歲符  Tai Sae Charm


參: 3: 文昌武曲 Wenchang  Wu Qu 狀元拜相燈..Champion Prime minister lights

瑤池西王金母娘娘御賜.. Yozu Mu Niang Gift

狀元拜相銅匾..Copper plaque 事業開展..Business to carry out ..

狀元及第..Foremost person in the field 金榜題名..Examination Success

仕途高昇..Career soaring 學業進步..Academic progress ..

早生貴子..Got Baby


狀元拜相銅匾;Champion Prime minister Copper Plaque;

據說這是乾隆皇御賜科舉狀元的銅匾 It is said to Emperor Qianlong Gift Champion Prime minister Copper Plaque;

崑崙祖師年輕的時候從厦門進入大陸 Kunlun founder young to enter the mainland from the Xiamen

適當的機緣輾轉穫得此寶物.. Appropriate opportunity obtains this treasure ..

帶回來放在瑤池宮內.. Brought back on the Yozu Palace

此銅匾歷史已超過百年歷史 The history of Copper Plaque is more than a century

母娘灌頂真言 Mu Niang Blessing mantra !!!

北斗九辰  Beidou nine gods     中天大神  God in the big

上朝金闕  Towards a imperial palace    下覆崑崙  Covered under the Kunlun

調理綱紀  Conditioning discipline    統制乾坤 Control universe

大魁貪狼  Candidate,Entertainer    巨門祿存  Examiner,Crown

文曲廉貞  Composer,Thrift    武曲破軍  Knight,Raider

高上玉皇  High on the Jade Emperor    紫微帝君  Purple King

大周天界  celestial sphere    細入微塵  Fine into the dust

何災不滅  Any disaster will extinguish    何福不臻  Any blessing will attain

元皇正炁  The original emperor has strong energy!!!    來合我身  The strong energy comes to my body!!

天罡所指 Referred to the Plows  晝夜常輪  Day and night, often Operates

俗居小人  an Secular unimportant person  好道求靈  seeking spiritual for Taoism

願見尊儀  Would like to see the respect God!! 永保長生  Eternal longevity

三台虛精  Three flats : virtual fine 六淳曲生  Six pure ,  Lives curving

生我養我  Birth me , Raise me 護我身形 Protect my body!!!


母娘灌頂御賜  Mu Niang Blessing Gift!!!

文昌武曲 Wenchang  Wu Qu 狀元拜相燈..Champion Prime minister lights


特:白虎尊神虎財燈..White Tiger deity..(Tiger fiscal lights)

瑤池西王金母娘娘腳力..The assistant of West Yozu Mu Niang

西方金財位–白虎尊神..White Tiger deity..(Golden West Financial position)

求財求福虎爺最靈..seek happiness and money. White Tiger deity is spiritual

(每名新台幣伍佰元) (Five hundred per NT)

瑤池宮有聞名全省十八尺白虎尊神,Yozu Palace is known for White Tiger deity which is eighteen feet,

這是母娘的腳力,This is the assistant of West Yozu Mu Niang

古代有五行方位,There are five elements of ancient position,

以地球中土為中心  as a center of the earth

天體有四象  There are four beasts in heaven!!!

即東西南北有四獸鎮守,There are four beasts that guard the East and West,North,South

東宮青龍屬木,南宮朱雀屬火,East is a dragon belong to wood,South is red phoenix belong to fire.

西宮白虎屬金,北宮玄武屬水,West is white tiger belong to gold,North is Black Tortoise belong to water!!!

五行之中西方屬金為尊位, Among the five elements  Western is belong to gold For the high places,

西方有瑤池西王金母,The Western lives Yozu Golden Queen Mother

母養群品、極化長存、Parent support group materials, polarization forever,

位配西方、以白虎尊神為腳力 Position with the West, The assistant is white tiger deity.

就是這個緣故  That Is for this reason

請利用郵政劃撥30369259 陳泓仁  並註明你的姓名..住址..牲肖..及要點燈的種類 indicate the address and your name ..and animal Xiao, the type of lighting

母娘慈悲賜福   Mu Niang blessing you

咨詢Consulting  05-2534791  e-mail: akingate@hotmail.com


About 崑崙泓師 Psychic Master Kunlun Hozn

崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation 冥想 Meditation 清靜 Quiet 禪意 Zen 無為 Inaction 靈修 Spirituality 氣功靈動 spirit Qigong 崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教.美術鑑賞 Doomsday Savior Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation,Art Appreciation 台灣崑崙泓師 手機 0937618850 Cell phone+886-937618850 崑崙泓師 LINE_logo ID: kunlunhozn E-mail akingate@hotmail.com facebook臉書帳號: 崑崙泓師 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master 崑崙山瑤池宮住持 崑崙泓師住址: 60691嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40之8號 Address: No.40-8, Zhonglun, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County 606, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 60691 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Abbot of Kunlun Yozu Palace 網站: https://akingate.wordpress.com/ 南二高下中埔交流道往中埔.西拉雅.大埔方向.台3線公路300.6公里右轉上山 Master Kunlun Hozn’s Confessions of Heart Sutra 崑崙泓師 心經的靈語 I am the Apostle from “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva”, but I always suffered difficulty and catastrophe. 我是觀音母娘的使徒,但艱苦困難總是隨身 “Prajna-paramita” is my deeply practicing feeling when I was in Mountains meditation practice. 般若波羅蜜多就是我深山修行的深切感受, I get to know human world with my deeply practicing feelings through watching, Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness. 我感受到這世界從看見,感受,思想,行動,以至認知. All the feelings in the human world are nothing, temporary and invisible. 以上這些感受在這世界上都是空的,暫時的,不被看見的 All the feelings can be switched to the Spirit Energy of “Sariputra”. 但看見,感受,思想,行動,認知,卻轉化成舍利子的靈能量. The “Sariputra” is original energy of vacant spirit, neither appearing nor disappearing, neither impure nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. 這舍利子的靈能量是諸法門的空靈能量源頭,不生不滅。不垢不淨。不增不減。 In my life, I always got facing problem. 我的一生艱困. The secular is temporary and empty. Do not take it serious as a real from Into, live, bad to empty. 但世事如雲煙,轉眼成空.不必在意成住壞空的假象 I am peaceful in brainstorming and the understanding of Heart Spirit Rules. 而我清靜思考,透徹心靈 My soul do not be hoodwinked by the External Feeling such as form of eyes, voice of ears, smell of nose, taste of mouth, touch of body and rules of thinking. 不被眼睛的情色,耳朵的聲音,鼻子的嗅香,口舌的甘味,身體的觸感,意念的法則,等外在的感覺蒙蔽內心靈魂. I wrote the Mu Niang Bible for my all life from the visible world to the invisible world. 我一生啟靈著作母娘聖經,從眼中所看的世界到看不見的無形世界. I have gone beyond the fixed pattern of written Expression. 我超越了文字表達的固定模式. From the thinking mind of active consciousness to Inaction spirit of unconscious. 從主動意識想像的心靈到無為無意識的靈神狀態. Although all people cannot understand my thinking, but I point out the empty spirit, God, Buddha, the hierarchical relationship. 雖然眾人難以理解我的思緒,但我點出空,靈,神,佛的層次關係 So, on empty; whether you understand or do not understand. 所以,對空的道理;不管您了解或是不了解. After all; Tao is operating constantly. 終究;道的運行始終不變 Human has illness and death, but the soul has not old and death. 人類有生老病死,但靈魂卻無老死. The Practice of suffering, accumulation, cessation, and Tao is neither for growing wisdom nor for getting what you want. 苦,寂,滅,道的修行,不是在成就智慧,也不是想要有所得到. That is to become the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to save the people. 而是成為救苦救難的觀自在菩薩. I trekked and was in Mountains meditation practice for 17 years. 我十七年來的長途跋涉,深山修行 To rely on prajna-paramita I understand my destiny. 從體認般若波羅蜜多大智慧進而了解自己天命. I go peacefully with the fate, no worries, no trouble, no terror. 我一切隨緣清靜, 心無牽掛,阻礙,恐怖。 From confused to realized, I escaped from distorted dream. 從迷到悟,我遠離了一切顛倒夢想。 Uphold the firm belief. All Buddha of the past, present and future bless me. 秉持堅定信念,三世諸佛菩薩保佑 To rely on prajna-paramita leads to the opposite…Nirvana 依般若波羅蜜多大智慧便能到彼岸,登涅槃, Attain the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi which is the upper energy of vacant spirit. 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提的上乘空靈能量. Therefore, know that prajna-paramita is the great transcendent mantra, the great bright mantra, the supreme mantra, the unequalled balanced mantra 所以般若波羅蜜多心經是是大神咒。是大明咒。是無上咒。是無等等咒。 能掃除一切苦厄。真實不虛假。 That can eliminate all suffering, and is real, not false. “揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶” “gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, svaha!”
本篇發表於 母娘點燈及符咒。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

1 Responses to 民國106丁酉年(2017)年崑崙山母娘點燈..光明燈.Bright Lights..太歲燈.Tai Sui lights..虎財燈.Tiger fiscal lights. 狀元拜相燈.Champion lights ..

  1. 引用通告: 民國106丁酉年(2017)年崑崙山母娘點燈..光明燈.Bright Lights..太歲燈.Tai Sui lights..虎財燈.Tiger fiscal lights. 狀元拜相燈.Champion lights .. | 台灣崑崙山瑤池宮母娘靈修啟靈崑崙泓師通靈請教 Yozu Palace Spiritu
