崑崙泓師談 一母多神,佛道仙靈的共通性 Master Kunlun Hozn on A mother of many gods,BUDDHA AND TAO Faerie commonality.

崑崙泓師談 一母多神,佛道仙靈的共通性 Master Kunlun Hozn on A mother of many gods,BUDDHA AND TAO Faerie commonality.

泓師的一生就是離不開神佛母娘,我深信有一股超越各種神佛的力量,可以讓您我,很容易地,共通想法,那就是靈源母娘.. Master Kunlun Hozn’s life is inseparable from God, Buddha and Mu Niang, I am convinced that there was a force beyond the various deities, allowing you and me easily to the common idea that is the spiritual source Mu Niang.

一母多神,五教合一,世界和平,共享地球資源,避免人類悲劇發生。母娘辦得到。 A mother of many gods, five syncretism, world peace, share the earth’s resources, avoiding human tragedies.

以嘲諷激進伊斯蘭教出名的法國極左派刊物「查理週刊」(Charlie Hebdo)巴黎辦公室7日驚傳遭血洗,至少12人命喪3蒙面槍手之下。 Gunmen have shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in an apparent militant Islamist attack. People take part in a vigil to pay tribute to the victims of a shooting, by gunmen at the offices of weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, in the Manhattan borough of New York v1p004摩訶迦葉(梵文:महाकश्यप Mahākāśyapa;巴利語:Mahakassapa),又被稱為大迦葉、摩訶迦葉波、迦葉、迦葉波,為釋迦牟尼十大弟子之一,被稱為頭陀第一。在釋迦牟尼入滅後,大迦葉成為僧團領袖,在王舍城召集第一次結集。禪宗尊他為第一代祖師。 其父擁有十六個村落, 如同一個小王國。迦葉放棄家業出家,成為沙門,在王舍城那羅聚落中的多子塔所修行,後來於釋迦牟尼成道後第三個月皈依,成為釋迦佛的弟子,八日後即證入阿羅漢境地,為佛弟子中最無執著之念者。 大迦葉人格清廉,年紀又長,曾受佛陀分予半座與僧伽梨衣,為頭陀第一。《增一阿含經》說大迦葉曾經自言,即使佛陀沒有出世,他也可以依自己的努力成為辟支佛 Mahākāśyapa (Sanskrit; Pali: Mahākassapa; Japanese: 摩訶迦葉 Maha Kasho or Makakasho) or Kāśyapa was one of the principal disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha and convened and directed the First Buddhist Council. He came from the kingdom of Magadha. Mahākāśyapa is one of the most revered of the Buddha’s early disciples, foremost in ascetic practices. He is often depicted in statuary together with Ananda, each standing to one side of the Buddha. 禪宗二祖 阿難是白飯王的兒子、佛的堂弟,也是佛的侍者,是釋迦牟尼佛十大弟子之一[3],人稱「多聞第一」。 阿難在佛入滅後証阿羅漢果,曾經參與第一次集結。據說阿難繼承摩訶迦葉之後,成為僧團的領導者。在法華經中,阿難被授記再供養62億諸佛之後將會成佛,佛號是山海慧自在通王佛。[4] 《涅槃經》稱:「阿難多聞士。」迦葉讚曰:「佛法大海水,流入阿難心。」 在佛陀滅後,王舍城第一次聖典結集集會上,他出色的記憶力讓他背誦出很多佛陀以往的演講。那些記錄下來的文稿就被整理成為佛經,包括《長阿含經》、《中阿含經》、《雜阿含經》、《增一阿含經》、《譬喻經》、《法句經》等等,對於佛法傳播起到了很大的作用。佛經中出現「如是我聞」,「我」即是指阿難。 Gautama Buddha Ānanda (Burmese: အာနန္ဒာ, [ʔànàɴdà]; Chinese: 阿難 Ānán; Japanese: 阿難 Anan; Sinhala: ආනන්ද) (Also known as Shannon) was one ofthe principal disciples and a devout attendant of the Buddha.[1] Amongst the Buddha’s many disciples, Ānanda had the most retentive memory and most of the suttas in the Sutta Pitaka are attributed to his recollection of the Buddha’s teachings during the First Buddhist Council. For that, he was known as theGuardian of the Dharma. According to the Buddha every Buddha in the past and to come will have two chief disciples and one attendant during his ministry. In the case of Gautama Buddha the pair of disciples were Sariputta and Maudgalyayana and the attendant Ānanda. 禪宗三祖 三祖商那和修尊者, 神,佛,仙,道的集成。 Integrated God, Buddha, Saints, tract. 中文名:三祖商那和修尊者 外文名:Three face it and fix the honour person 尊者,摩突羅國人也,姓毗舍多,在胎六年,應瑞而生。 Shanavasa (also Sambhūta Śāṇavāsi or Sanakavasa) was a disciple of Ananda, and is considered the third Indian Patriarch in Zen Buddhism 後出家學仙道,居雪山。因阿難將入滅,時山河大地六種震動。尊者同五百仙人禮阿難足,而跪請曰:「我於長老,當證佛法,願垂度脫。」阿難即變恒河為金地,為說大法曰:「昔如來以正法眼付大迦葉,轉付於我,我今付汝。」尊者既得法,降二火龍,以建梵宮,轉大法輪。後付法與優波 多,即隱罽賓國象白山,現十八變火光三昧,用焚其身。 贊曰 應瑞而生 轉妙法輪 五百仙眾 惟祖特尊 無端一語 印破面門 降龍伏象 道播乾坤 或說偈曰 ◎宣公上人作 修仙學道入深山 叩請慶喜望垂憐 五百丹客歸三寶 兩條火龍上九天 正法眼藏付心印 金色頭陀定雲南 祖祖相承無言說 燈燈互映更光前 鳩摩羅什 佛經翻譯大師,自鳩摩羅什. 西元334年生於西域新疆龜茲國。   皇帝送他十個老婆,   後在俗10年間,潛心鑽研佛學,將梵文經卷譯成漢文。 泓師說: 心靈應超脫戒律,情慾。才能修行成就功德。 (本文應深入思考,才不會誤解泓師的意思)     。 Buddhist translation master , since    AD 334   Kumarajiva was born in Western Xinjiang Kucha country.     Emperor sent him ten wife, after 10 years in vulgar, devote to study Buddhism, the Sanskrit scriptures translated into Chinese. Master Kunlun Hozn, said: mind should transcend precepts, lust. So merit to success. 蓮花生 感謝關懷無以回報,僅以好文相送 桑耶寺 蓮花生(梵文:पद्मसम्भव Padmasambhava;藏文:པདྨ་འབྱུང་གནས།,藏語拼音:Bämajungnä,威利:pad+ma-‘byung-gnas (EWTS),生卒年不詳),或譯蓮華生大士。八世紀印度那爛陀寺僧人,後應寂護論師與藏王赤松德贊入藏創立僧團,後人尊稱為蓮師。或許是後世弟子的推崇備至,使其生平在無史料佐證下,增添了許多神奇色彩,也被稱為第二佛陀。所帶入的密法稱為前譯派,為今寧瑪派所信奉。首位將藏密傳入漢地的寧瑪派教傳三十二代祖師諾那呼圖克圖謂蓮花生大士是彌陀身、觀音口、釋迦心,合諸佛菩薩身口意之三密金剛應化身。[1] 生平編輯 蓮花生,烏仗那國(即今之斯瓦特)人,相傳出生於蓮花之上。原為印度的僧人,與寂護大師同於那爛陀寺學習,以神通聞名。 Statue of Padmasambhava 123 ft. (37.5 m) high in mist overlooking Rewalsar Lake,Himachal Pradesh, India Padmasambhava[note 1] (lit. “Lotus-Born"), also known as Guru Rinpoche, is a literary character of terma,[1] an emanation ofAmitabha that is said to appear to tertons in visionary encounters and a focus of Tibetan Buddhist practice. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries there were several competing terma traditions surrounding, for example, Vimalamitra,Songtsen Gampo, Vairotsana and Padmasambhava.[2] At the end of the 12th century, there was the “victory of the Padmasambhava cult."[3] Nyangrel Nyima Özer (1136-1204) was the principal architect of the Padmasambhava mythos.[4] Although there was also a historical Padmasambhava, nothing is known of the “obscure Indian sorcerer"[5] apart from him helping the construction of a temple atSamye at the behest of Trisong Detsen and shortly being chased out of Tibet. 宗喀巴Tsong-kha-pa 青海崑崙山下,宗喀巴,650年前開創顯密共修第一人, 了悟到「緣起性空」,提倡「應成派中觀見」。 44歲(1403年)時,完成重要著作《菩提道次第廣論》,內容為顯教的教法。49歲完成對於密教的著作《密宗道次第廣論》。55歲時明朝的永樂皇帝甚至稱宗喀巴大師為『西天佛子大國師』,成為國師之師, Zōnggē Shànhuìchēng Tsongkhapa (“The man from Tsongkha",[1] 1357–1419), usually taken to mean “the Man from Onion Valley", was a famous teacher of Tibetan Buddhism whose activities led to the formation of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. He is also known by his ordained name Losang Drakpa (Wylie: blo bzang grags pa) or simply as “Je Rinpoche" (Wylie: rje rin po che). Tsongkhapa heard Buddha’s teachings from masters of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions, and received lineages transmitted in the major schools. 甘肃泾川王母宫西王母大殿塑像。 中國最早的涇川王母宮始建于西漢元封年間(公元前110年)。 位於甘肅省涇川縣城以西1公里處的回山之上,景區內主要有王母宮、瑤池、回屋、石窟等四個景點。西王母,俗稱王母娘娘。相傳,王母宮是西王母的降生地、發祥地和祖廟所在。 China’s first built in Jingchuan Wang Mu Gong, Yuan Feng Han period (110 BC).   Located 1 km above the city of Gansu Province west mountain, there is the main area within 王母宫, Jade Pool, Whei house, caves and other four spots. West Queen, commonly known as the Queen Mother. According to legend, the Queen Mother of the West Wang Mu gong is born, the birthplace and ancestral temple is located. 鴻鈞老祖 老子,李耳、老聃 中國古代哲學家, 出生西元前600年左右 。 唐武宗時,老子被定為是三清尊神之一太上老君。 老子: 「道德经」 :  第六章. 谷神不死, 是谓玄牝。 玄牝之門, 是謂天地根。棉棉若存, 用之不勤。這玄母之門天地根是。 紫氣東來 老子出關,最大的原因,要尋找崑崙山西王母之靈根。   。。。  Laozi, Lier, old Dan, Chinese ancient philosopher, Born about 600 years BC . Tang Emperor Laozi was designated as one of three clear deity Lord Lao Zi. Lao Tzu: “Tao Te Ching": Chapter sixth,  the mysterious mother never died. Mysterious mother door, is that the root of heaven and earth. The root of this mysterious mother  is endless. Loazi went to west with East Purple clouds , the biggest reason, to find Kunlun West Queen mother. 王重陽 全真派創始人王重陽(公元1113年)說:“諸公如要真修行,饑來吃飯,睡來合眼,莫打坐,莫學道,只要塵冗事屏除,只要心中清淨兩個字,其餘都不是修行。    這是一母多神,佛道密思想的融合。 Wang Chongyang, said: “If you want to really practice meditation, hungry to eat, tired to sleep,no meditation , no Taoism, just dust dismiss redundant thing, as long as the pure hearts , not the rest of practice.陸修靜 陸修靜(公元406年)將當時理論型的黃老道派,著作整合道藏經典,上清,靈寶,茅山道派齋醮科儀,成為應用型道派,從此驅魔祭祀成為道士的責任。 Lu Xiujing (AD 406 years)  made theory of Huang Taoism School,  integrate into  classical   Taoism ,  the supernatant ,Lingbao, Maoshan Taoism  rituals, became applied Taoism School since then priest’s exorcism ritual become the priest’s responsibility OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 鴻鈞老祖,在小說《封神演義》中稱為鴻鈞道人,為太上老君、元始天尊、通天教主的師傅。是部分道教徒所信仰的仙祖。 傳說鴻鈞老祖為道教眾仙之祖,也稱「混元老祖」。混元指天地未開、虛空未分之際的宇宙本始狀態。有「先有鴻鈞後有天」之說。也有一說鴻鈞老祖便是盤古。   (另有部分道教徒稱元始天尊的前身是盤古)。 Hongjun ancestors, in the novel “Gods story"  called for master of Three ancestors. Is part of the Taoists believe in fairy ancestors. Legend, ancestors Hongjun is Taoist Immortals ancestor, also known as “Hun Yuan ancestors." Hung Yuan means the world is not open, the initial state of the universe. There are “Hongjun first, heaven behind,". There is a saying Pangu is Hongjun ancestors. (Another part of the Taoists said Yuanshi ancestor, formerly known as Pangea). 羅組五部六冊 民間宗教很容易令人遺忘,羅清(AD.1442年)的羅教,又稱無為教、大乘教、龍華會、老官齋,是中國明清兩代最流行的民間宗教教派之一,明代中期由軍人羅清創立,以「五部六冊」為主要經書,主張尋求人心本性的覺悟,反對外在的宗教儀式或造像,適合在家修行, Civil religion is easy to cause for forgotten, Luo Qing the Luoism, also known as doing nothing religion, Mahayana religion, Longhua Council, the old officer vegetarian, is the Chinese Ming and Qing dynasties of the most popular folk religion religious sects, one of Ming Dynasty interim by the military personnel Luo Qing founded. The" five section six books" as the main scriptures, advocate asking for people nature of consciousness, against external religious ceremonies or statues, suitable for at home spiritual practice, 無極版封面 母娘聖經是世界人類萬物萬靈和平相處的鑰匙,現代社會人類總是以自我利益為生活的考量,沒有人認真關心人文社會,生態汙染,萬靈萬物的問題, 人類猶如蜜蜂活在糖水的假像裡,母娘聖經是人與神生活的真相,唯有如此人類才有真,善,美的生活。 Mu Niang Bible is the key of peace for human and Souls, the modern human society is always self-interest for the consideration of life, nobody seriously concerned about the humanities social, ecological pollution, Souls all problems. Mankind like bees live in syrup artifacts, Mu Niang Bible is the true life of man and God, the only way humans have truth, goodness and beauty of life.瑪麗.貝克.艾迪Mary_Baker_Eddy 基督教也有女性的上帝代表—母娘,基督科學,心靈醫術。     Christian has  the female representative of God — Mother, Mu Niang, Christian Science, spiritual medicine. 基督教科學會的創辦人 瑪麗.貝克.艾迪。Mary Baker Eddy, 美國艾迪夫人 ( 被譽為十九世紀基督科學,心靈醫術。 ,傑出的女性之一     ), 是個極富傳奇色彩的人物。五十歲前,她百病纏身,婚姻失敗,與家人失和,孤苦無依;當她以八十九歲高齡病逝時,她已集名譽、財富、權力於一身,成為數以萬計信徒臣服的宗教領袖。她創辦的基督教科學會已超過三千間,出版的《基督教箴言報》(“Christian Science Monitor")成為美國暢銷刊物。許多人都不明白「基督教科學」是甚麼胡蘆賣甚麼藥。其實所謂基督教的「科學」就是不用藥物的信心治療法(faith healing)。愛氏強調基督教的教訓就是健康的「科學」(原理)。而當我們了解她的生平時,不難瞭解她為甚麼那樣注重健康與醫治了。 Mary Baker Eddy (July 16, 1821 – December 3, 1910) was the founder of Christian Science, a new religious movement, in the United States in the latter half of the 19th century.

About 崑崙泓師 Psychic Master Kunlun Hozn

崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation 冥想 Meditation 清靜 Quiet 禪意 Zen 無為 Inaction 靈修 Spirituality 氣功靈動 spirit Qigong 崑崙泓師靈修.啟靈.通靈請教.美術鑑賞 Doomsday Savior Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Spirit medium,Psychic advice, Dynamic meditation,Art Appreciation 台灣崑崙泓師 手機 0937618850 Cell phone+886-937618850 崑崙泓師 LINE_logo ID: kunlunhozn E-mail akingate@hotmail.com facebook臉書帳號: 崑崙泓師 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master 崑崙山瑤池宮住持 崑崙泓師住址: 60691嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40之8號 Address: No.40-8, Zhonglun, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County 606, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 60691 Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master Abbot of Kunlun Yozu Palace 網站: https://akingate.wordpress.com/ 南二高下中埔交流道往中埔.西拉雅.大埔方向.台3線公路300.6公里右轉上山 Master Kunlun Hozn’s Confessions of Heart Sutra 崑崙泓師 心經的靈語 I am the Apostle from “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva”, but I always suffered difficulty and catastrophe. 我是觀音母娘的使徒,但艱苦困難總是隨身 “Prajna-paramita” is my deeply practicing feeling when I was in Mountains meditation practice. 般若波羅蜜多就是我深山修行的深切感受, I get to know human world with my deeply practicing feelings through watching, Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness. 我感受到這世界從看見,感受,思想,行動,以至認知. All the feelings in the human world are nothing, temporary and invisible. 以上這些感受在這世界上都是空的,暫時的,不被看見的 All the feelings can be switched to the Spirit Energy of “Sariputra”. 但看見,感受,思想,行動,認知,卻轉化成舍利子的靈能量. The “Sariputra” is original energy of vacant spirit, neither appearing nor disappearing, neither impure nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. 這舍利子的靈能量是諸法門的空靈能量源頭,不生不滅。不垢不淨。不增不減。 In my life, I always got facing problem. 我的一生艱困. The secular is temporary and empty. Do not take it serious as a real from Into, live, bad to empty. 但世事如雲煙,轉眼成空.不必在意成住壞空的假象 I am peaceful in brainstorming and the understanding of Heart Spirit Rules. 而我清靜思考,透徹心靈 My soul do not be hoodwinked by the External Feeling such as form of eyes, voice of ears, smell of nose, taste of mouth, touch of body and rules of thinking. 不被眼睛的情色,耳朵的聲音,鼻子的嗅香,口舌的甘味,身體的觸感,意念的法則,等外在的感覺蒙蔽內心靈魂. I wrote the Mu Niang Bible for my all life from the visible world to the invisible world. 我一生啟靈著作母娘聖經,從眼中所看的世界到看不見的無形世界. I have gone beyond the fixed pattern of written Expression. 我超越了文字表達的固定模式. From the thinking mind of active consciousness to Inaction spirit of unconscious. 從主動意識想像的心靈到無為無意識的靈神狀態. Although all people cannot understand my thinking, but I point out the empty spirit, God, Buddha, the hierarchical relationship. 雖然眾人難以理解我的思緒,但我點出空,靈,神,佛的層次關係 So, on empty; whether you understand or do not understand. 所以,對空的道理;不管您了解或是不了解. After all; Tao is operating constantly. 終究;道的運行始終不變 Human has illness and death, but the soul has not old and death. 人類有生老病死,但靈魂卻無老死. The Practice of suffering, accumulation, cessation, and Tao is neither for growing wisdom nor for getting what you want. 苦,寂,滅,道的修行,不是在成就智慧,也不是想要有所得到. That is to become the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to save the people. 而是成為救苦救難的觀自在菩薩. I trekked and was in Mountains meditation practice for 17 years. 我十七年來的長途跋涉,深山修行 To rely on prajna-paramita I understand my destiny. 從體認般若波羅蜜多大智慧進而了解自己天命. I go peacefully with the fate, no worries, no trouble, no terror. 我一切隨緣清靜, 心無牽掛,阻礙,恐怖。 From confused to realized, I escaped from distorted dream. 從迷到悟,我遠離了一切顛倒夢想。 Uphold the firm belief. All Buddha of the past, present and future bless me. 秉持堅定信念,三世諸佛菩薩保佑 To rely on prajna-paramita leads to the opposite…Nirvana 依般若波羅蜜多大智慧便能到彼岸,登涅槃, Attain the anuttara-samyak-sambodhi which is the upper energy of vacant spirit. 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提的上乘空靈能量. Therefore, know that prajna-paramita is the great transcendent mantra, the great bright mantra, the supreme mantra, the unequalled balanced mantra 所以般若波羅蜜多心經是是大神咒。是大明咒。是無上咒。是無等等咒。 能掃除一切苦厄。真實不虛假。 That can eliminate all suffering, and is real, not false. “揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶” “gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, svaha!”
本篇發表於 末劫救世 泓仁導師 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn。將永久鏈結加入書籤。
